Trans Ideology is Anti Girl

I’m working through ideas about transgenderism and was prompted to say a few things after seeing a post on Facebook where the Women’s March is making sure to include males that identify as women. I feel betrayed by the handmaidens in politics and policy that have had the freedom to think about what transgenderism will mean for women and girls going forward and have continued to peddle it to us. I’m especially disgusted that it is being linked to defending sex work, again, where women and girls are sacrificed for the satisfaction of male lust. This kind of male lust is not inherently justified in being fulfilled since it requires the participation of another person.

In order to believe that a man-socialized adult male isn’t just capable of being a woman, but is a woman simply on the basis of his say so, one must pretend girlhood itself doesn’t exist. Girlhood is the process by which women come to learn that their role in this world is one of subservience and inferiority, this requires a breaking of the human spirit. Girlhood is the way society brainwashes girls and takes advantage of their vulnerability for continued male advantage. Girlhood is the way you have to spend hours starting in middle school learning to shave your legs and put on makeup while the the boys get to play videogames. Girlhood is when you realize walking down the street will never be safe for you like it is for a man.

For transwomen to come to be women in adulthood, especially after their bodies have developed into those of men, and thusly often retain both male safety privilege and socialization privilege, and assume they know what that experience is and has always been is not just an insult to women, but girls too. Men and boys cannot know what the oppression of women and girls is and has always been. We are at a critical time where transwomen are standing in the way of eradicating those dangerous and traumatic experiences from girls lives outright by insisting that gender roles must stay in place because they are somehow innate.

We’re being gaslit into pretending girlhood didn’t happen, or that if and when it did, it’s because we wanted it. This is the anti girl power, it must end so we can create girlhoods that are worthy of our daughters.

5 thoughts on “Trans Ideology is Anti Girl

  1. I have talked many times with other women about how males look at little girls when we begin to develop breasts (and many times, even before that). I was about 11.

    I learned that males were going to offer commentary on my body, and no one would care. They would say sexual things to me, things that I didn’t understand, at the time. I began to understand that whatever attention males dished out at me was MY fault. And to submit because otherwise, I might anger them, and that would be my fault, too.

    It is abhorrent to me that males can just erase girlhood and all of our shared experiences and then claim that they are oppressed! By women! Trannie ideology makes women the oppressors of males, which would be hilarious, if it weren’t so fucking insulting to us. I mean, males have created an ideology in which they are oppressed by women of color. And plenty of women buy into it.

    It is amazingly disturbing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s how I reached peak trans… I was on Facebook and had three women (one of them transmale) berating me about how privileged I am over transwomen and how I need to “listen to their stories.” Meanwhile, I’m Black Dominican from a poor and abusive family and was doing nothing more than trying to understand the claim that transwomen have always been women… It just proved to me these people didn’t understand power dynamics to begin with.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I am pretty sure that males (in dresses or not) know exactly what they are doing. And why they are doing it.

        The women that support them in a misogynist way, I am not sure that they fully understand. Sometimes I think that they really believe trannie sob stories. And sometimes I think that they are just afraid to speak the truth and/or they pander to males because that is where the payoff is.

        It really doesn’t matter because the result is the same.

        Before I was ejected from the libfem community for being all terfy, one of the last conversations that I had was with a woman about a teenage boy wanting access to the high school girl’s restroom because he was totes a girl. The girls didn’t want him in there, and were being called horrible things.

        I remember being 15 and dealing with teen age boys. I also remember dealing with my period, and the thought of males being around, especially when they hate our cycles and make no secret of how disgusting that they think our bodies are. I sided with the girls.

        And that was the incident that got me driven out. And one of the women was especially vicious about the girls, how they were being “uppity” and “little bitches” that needed to be “put in their place”.

        I asked her if she realized that she was talking about those girls in the same manner that males have spoken about us for centuries.

        And then i got banned, lol.

        I understand where you are coming from and how you are feeling. We have all been there. While I am sorry about your negative experiences, I am still glad that you ended up here because women and girls need you, especially since you are willing to stand up for all of us.


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